Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bolder Boulder


On Memorial Day weekend this year, we were spoiled to have some of our favorite visitors stay with us: Andrew's sister Christy and a few of her roommates from BYU, and my brother Larry! We had been planning on Christy and friends for a while, but Larz totally shocked me one night when I walked downstairs from my bedroom to talk to Andrew and instead stopped in my tracks at the startling sight of my brother-- sitting on MY couch! He lives 12 hours away in Rexburg, Idaho, for crying out loud! But that's totally Larz...super spontaneous, and I love him for it (he knows I love surprises).

We fully filled our little townhouse while they were all here: Christy and her three friends camped out on the couch, air mattress, and floor in our living room, and super-trooper Larz stayed on a spare mattress on Taylor and Russell's bedroom floor! Amazingly, there were no complaints.

This is nerdy Larz teaching Taylor the "Sign of the Dude."
Don't ask, because I don't really know--but Larz does tell me it's an uncle's job "he takes very seriously" (as he attempts to hide a huge grin).

We played hard while our sibs were here: we played with our little boys, watched movies, ate out, hiked around Red Rocks (pictured above)...but by far the most fun part of the weekend was Memorial Day, when we all raced the Bolder Boulder 10K.


This is us--pre-sweat, cramps, and stink: Andrew, me, Larz, Shawney, Rachel, and Christy.

Race highlights, bottom to top:

Bottom: Some of Bolder Boulder's masses. 50,000 people ran that day! I earned my place among them, finishing at #23,064 (it took me 1:07).

Middle: Post-race, in the bleachers at U of C's Folsom Field.

Top: One of my fav pictures of that day. This is of the MANY groups of racers that were costume (although I personally think these guys had some of the more entertaining...and slightly disturbing ensembles) striking a pose with the ladies. And yes, me and my sick sense of humor coaxed Christy and her friends into having this picture taken. They were so NOT fans of those pretty boys! And still, I can't keep my face from cracking up as I did above (middle picture) each time I look at this! :)

Fun race. Fun company. Thanks for the memories, you guys!

1 comment:

Larz Macfarlane said...

This weekend was awesome. I really really seriously want to make it a tradition.