Friday, January 28, 2011

Guess I Signed Up For This...

Deep breath. Inhale, exhale.

That's what I'm telling myself over-and-over after this living through this long insane week! And now that it's almost over, after all the mini melt-downs and sweat and headaches (and yes, a few flustered tears!), it's hard not to giggle at the thought of everything that managed to happen in only five days! I'll let the week's stats tell the story. There were:

-5 nights that the baby didn't sleep through the night (by the way, anyone out there have any suggestions on how to get the little one to sleep through? I feel like I've tried every trick in the book, multiple times! "Crying it out," gradually phasing out night time feedings, waking the baby up after a couple of hours to "top him off..." I mean, holy cow!)

-3 nights that my toddler slept in my room because his baby brother was busy "crying it out"
-4 days that I woke up at 5:30 am for the day (not my cup of tea)
-2 days that the kids' books were thrown off their shelves
-2 days that my toddler didn't take a nap
-1 day that my baby didn't get a nap
-1 day that the cashier at the shopping warehouse turned me away because I had my husband's membership card (dumb, I know...but I was at the near the breaking point by then)
-1 day that I missed my appointment with the optometrist
-1 day that my toddler spread a new bottle of baby powder and baby lotion all over the de-shelved books, carpet and furniture
-1 day that I had to completely rearrange the kids' bedroom furniture to prevent future mishaps
-1 night/day that my hubby went to Keystone for a scout overnighter (of course, it was right after the book/baby powder/lotion thing happened) :)

Wow, right?

In my early moments of shock and frustration after Taylor completely trashed his bedroom, I called my mom to commiserate. She reminded me that she too had been there before, when my brother Larz and I were little. She said that we managed to trash our room even more artistically though--complete, not only with books off the shelves, baby powder, and lotion every where (in her case, the ever more destructive Desitin cream was the culprit)--but with crayon markings adorning the walls, curtains torn down, a mattress out of place, all the toys dumped out of their bins, and to top it all off...a little Larry wedged motionless high on a closet shelf.

Well Mom, I guess I'm getting what was coming to me! Why oh why wasn't I a sweeter child?...


Ann said...

Oh Tiff! We've both had a week. Oddly I was thinking of you often this week. Let's get together soon...which house should we let our kids destroy while we talk...yours or mine? :)

Alicia said...

I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better my 1 yr old still doesn't sleep through the night and the books get dumped on the floor in mulitple rooms every single day. =) Gotta love motherhood!

Brooke said...

Just read two posts down to remind yourself of the good days....

Michael said...

Michael and Stacie here.......rough week huh? We have a couple of suggestions for ya that maybe can help. 1) go out and get the books from the library by tracy hogg. they are: the baby whisperer solves all your problems. secrets of the baby whisperer. and secrets of the baby whisperer for toddlers. stacie are using these and have used the advice in them to help figure out how to get megan to sleep through the night and anything else that comes up. check them out from the library and see if you can find anything that you can use. 2) we would suggest maybe just keeping the door closed to his room all the time unless you are in there with him. if he can open the door then we don't know what to tell ya. well good luck and we'll talk to ya later.

Cameron and Cindy said...

For some reason this makes me feel at home! Hang in there, Tiff! LOVE YOU!!

Charity said...

Bless your heart! We haven't experienced destruction at that level just yet, but CJ still wakes up around 5 every morning. Good Luck!

Christy said...

I love your blog!!! I use the book Healthy Sleep habits, Happy Child. From birth to adolescents. It works on sleep training and sleep problems. It's great!!! Are you using your diaper changing furniture if you have one?!? I use the top of it for books, otherwise I have to pick books up all day!!! It's nice because you can do 2 rows length wise, or 3 rows width wise. You can also use it to create a wall if needed. Then I put a "few" books in a basket on the floor. I noticed you have Usborne books... good girl! Your mother raised you well. You are amazing! Luv ya!